Feasibility study – Gazifère

Feasibility study

Financial assistance for improving your building’s energy efficiency

Before starting any building renovation or construction, Gazifère strongly suggests you do a feasibility study to identify any measures that could significantly improve the building’s energy efficiency.

Receive up to $2,500

In order to help you out, Gazifère is offering up to $2,500* by way of financial assistance to cover part of the costs incurred in the preparation of a feasibility study or an energy simulation using a simulation tool such as EE4, CAN-QUEST or DOE2.

* The initiative conditions and financial assistance amounts may be modified without prior notice

How to participate?


Consult the participant’s guide for the support for initiatives program

To obtain financial assistance under this initiative, certain eligibility criteria must be met. These are set out in the Participant’s Guide, along with the specifications.

Participant's Guide


Send us your pre-admission application

To obtain financial assistance under this initiative, you will need approval of your pre-admission application prior to preparing the feasibility study or energy simulation.

Pre-admission form


Wait for Gazifère’s approval

Gazifère will confirm receipt of the pre-admission application within 10 business days. Gazifère will process those applications on a first come first served basis and depending on the availability of funds.


Organize the feasibility study or energy simulation

The feasibility study or energy simulation must be prepared by a professional engineer.


Submit your request for participation

You must submit a copy of the feasibility study or simulation records in electronic format.

Send your documents by email or by mail:


Wait for Gazifère’s decision on financial assistance

Gazifère will review the request for participation before issuing the financial assistance. The information received will be submitted to an external consultant. Gazifère will cover the cost of the review, and the applicant will receive a copy of that review. If additional information is required, the business in charge of the file will be contacted.

The applicant will be informed in writing as to whether the request for financial assistance has been approved or turned down, and of the amount granted if approved. Payment will be made by cheque mailed to the address indicated in the request for participation.